The importance of user testing when redesigning your website
Waverley Borough Council approached Smarter Digital Services (SDS) to assist them with conducting user testing on their new website.
Waverley Borough Council approached Smarter Digital Services (SDS) to assist them with conducting user testing on their new website.
When Southern Building Control Partnership (SBCP) decided to build a new website, they took advantage of a variety of services offered by Smarter Digital Services, to create and build a website that would cater for their customers’ needs and allow them to self-serve on the new website more efficiently.
Kent Homechoice commissioned SDS to develop a new and updated version of the Kent Homechoice Homelessness Triage Tool.
This summer we decided to redesign our website and freshen up its look and feel. Why not visit the website and let us know what you think:
SDS have been using a range of tools to assist Tunbridge Wells Borough Council with their website redesign project. Starting with a first click analysis, followed by a card sort analysis and finally a tree sort analysis. These tools helped us to identify users’ expectations of where they would expect to find content.
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the Tandridge District Council website on 3rd July after only 3 months in the making! In March, we were commissioned by Tandridge to assist in scoping out their new website redesign. The aim was to reduce the 1,000 content pages down to under 500 whilst giving the website a modern visual style that meets with today’s responsive web standards.
The SDS team have been supporting Tandridge District Council with their website redesign. We started work on the project in March and the new website is due to go live in the summer so it is a fast paced and exciting project.